GCADA Click It or Ticket Partnership


Adapted from GCADA Newsletter

Our association's members have a long-standing tradition of supporting important public service campaigns since 1993. One notable cause we've actively supported for the past three years is our collaboration with law enforcement agencies through Hamilton Co. Safe Communities, as well as state and local public officials, to endorse the annual "Click It or Ticket" campaign. This national campaign is organized by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to promote highway safety and safe driving before the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer period, which spans from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend.

This year's Click It or Ticket Campaign launched on May 13, preceding law enforcement's heightened concentration on seat belt driver and passenger usage from May 20 to June 2. According to NHTSA's Annual National Occupant Protection Use Survey (NOPUS), a national record 91.9 percent of adult front-seat passengers used their seat belts during 2023. However, Ohio's 2022 seat belt study revealed an 80.8 percent seat belt usage rate and further determined that the lowest compliance rates were found on local roads and by those in trucks and light trucks. In 2023, light truck drivers wore a seat belt just a little more than 76 percent of the time, a five percent decline from 2022.

The urgency of the seat belt usage issue is underscored by the statistics shared by NHTSA. In 2023, about 50 percent of the 25,420 vehicle occupants who lost their lives were unrestrained. This is a stark reminder of the importance of our campaign. Our association, along with GCADA President Sarah Sweeney and state and local officials, launched the 2024 campaign at a May 13 news conference held at Jake Sweeney Chevrolet. The significance of seat belt usage among younger drivers and passengers was further highlighted by a group of students from Princeton High School who signed a safe driving pledge banner.

In addition, we produced 15- and 30-second public service announcements encouraging everyone to reverse the 100 Deadliest Days trend. These PSAs were distributed to television outlets and displayed on our social media platforms during the Click It or Ticket campaign.

We appreciate the enthusiastic support provided during the past three years and thank everyone who assisted with the campaign.

Contact Mike Schmaltz at GCADA by calling (513) 326-7100 or messaging mschmaltz@gcada.net for more information and please send a photo of a banner displayed at your dealership.

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